Search by tag "Didier Dogley" - 27 results found.
Seychelles closes cruise ship season amidst fears of COVID–19
President of Seychelles reshuffles portfolios of cabinet ministers
Planned solar farm in Seychelles to benefit local consumers, reduce oil imports
« Les Seychelles possèdent des réserves d’eau souterraine » souligne une étude
Seychelles can extract groundwater, survey by Swedish groups indicate
Sommet sur le changement climatique: Les mesures à prendre par les Seychelles mises en évidence
Climate change summit: Actions Seychelles needs to take highlighted
Seychelles President Faure reshuffles government, minister portfolios
Seychelles’ Parks Authority to share expertise with French counterpart after new agreement
Les Seychelles voient la signature de l'accord de Paris comme un tournant décisif pour l'environnement
Seychelles sees signing of Paris Agreement as environmental turning point
Les Seychelles et les petits Etats insulaires partagent leurs préoccupations particulières à la Cop21
Seychelles, small island states bring concerns to forefront of Cop21
Seychelles aims at making ground water the islands’ second source of water
Le ministre de l'environnement affirme que les Seychelles devraient atteindre l'objectif d'énergie renouvelable avec dix ans d’avance
Seychelles should reach renewable energy target ten years early, says environment minister
The transparency of oil exploration in Seychelles: are people ‘too cynical’ to make a difference?
A step further to protect the environment: Seychelles announces ambitious renewable energy plans
Third island in the Seychelles fully powered by the Sun with big help from crowdfunding
Nairobi Convention: Seychelles has ‘embraced sustainability’, says UNEP Executive Director