A new cabinet that will consult, communicate and serve, President Faure says

General |Author: Sharon Uranie | October 29, 2016, Saturday @ 15:05| 3224 views

President Danny Faure addressing his new cabinet of minister on Saturday. (Louis Toussaint, Seychelles News Agency)

(Seychelles News Agency) - The Seychelles President Danny Faure on Saturday addressed ministers of his new cabinet which he said will be one that consults, communicates, holds dialogues with and above all one that is at the service of the country and the people of Seychelles.

Faure said that the team should work to put the Seychellois people at the centre of development in everything that they do.

“Whenever we take a decision to adjust any policies, it should be a collective decision. And the decision should be communicated through the structures of the various ministries, so that the population is informed.”

The president said that the main task ahead of his new government is to put in place the necessary framework that creates good governance, transparency and accountability.

He has called for new structures to be put in place within the next six weeks, and for new laws that would support the structures to be reviewed and presented to the national assembly before March next year.

President Faure emphasized on the need for all policies and programmes of the ministries and departments to reflect the fundamental principles of his government -- justice, equal opportunities, social justice and redistribution of wealth.

He also announced what he termed as “specific rules” which he said should be adopted by the ministers in discharging their new responsibilities.

Faure said that as president he would lead the way and expected the ministers to also set aside one day a week to go out of their offices to meet and listen to the people.

“Secondly, starting with myself, we will take a morning or an afternoon each week to receive members of the public,” Faure said.

He also expects the ministers to meet with the press on a quarterly basis to respond to their questions on issues related to their portfolios.

President Faure also stressed on the need for ministers to take responsibility for the policies within their portfolios, while leaving the implementation roles to the agencies and authorities that fall under their ministries.

“It’s the ministers’ role to be accountable to the president on whether the programmes are being implemented and how they are impacting on the lives of the population, not only today but in the long run. It’s the ministers’ role to ensure that we have solid, coherent strategies that respond to the needs of the population,” the president said.

The President has called on the ministers to work in collaboration with the Seychelles Inter Faith Committee (SIFCO) representing the religious groups, Civil Engagement Platform (CEPS) representing the civil societies and the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industries representing the private sector, for the benefit of the population.

In the spirit of consultation, Faure announced that the cabinet will adopt a new procedure of circulating major policies that would impact the lives of the population to the three organizations for their inputs and suggestions.

The Seychellois Head of State also reiterated his commitment to work with the National Assembly as well as with the opposition coalition which holds a majority in the assembly.

“During my discussions with the opposition we have agreed on a series of issues that would require the amendment of our Constitution and we have a set a calendar so that the legislations would be presented to the National Assembly by March 2017,” said Faure, adding that national unity and reconciliation remain the primary objectives of his government.

"At times we will be tempted to refer to the politics of the past. At times we may be tempted to stop talking. Seychelles no longer needs this. Seychelles is bigger than all of us and the interest and well-being of the Seychellois people is bigger that our personal interest,” Faure concluded.

Faure became the Seychelles fourth President on October 16, taking over the mandate of his predecessor President James Michel whose resignation took effect on that day. 

Tags: President Danny Faure, new cabinet, good governance, transparency, accountability


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