Electoral commissions of Seychelles and India sign MOU on electoral management

General |Author: Sedrick Nicette Edited By: Betymie Bonnelame | September 27, 2023, Wednesday @ 14:43| 14744 views

The MOU was signed by Danny Lucas, chairperson of the ECS, and Shri Rajiv Kumar, chief election commissioner of the Election Commission of India (ECI). (Election Commission Seychelles)

The Electoral Commission of Seychelles (ECS) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation in electoral management with its counterpart from India. 

The MOU was signed on Tuesday by Danny Lucas, chairperson of the ECS, and Shri Rajiv Kumar, India's chief election commissioner of the Election Commission of India (ECI).

The MOU will be the mechanism geared towards improving electoral management and administration, building on shared experience, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge. Other relevant information, including the digitalisation of the electoral process and its potential advantages, will also be included.

The chairperson of the ECS said that "this partnership holds great promise as it signifies our commitment to not only improve our own electoral systems but also to strengthen the principle of democracy that both our nations hold dear."

He added that one of the pillars of the Commission's strategic plan is to adopt new approaches and strategies when holding elections.

Through the MOU the two institutions are expected to harness their collective experience and enhance electoral management and administration.

"The partnership holds great promise. It signifies our commitment to not only improve our own electoral systems but also strengthen the principles of democracy that both nations hold dear," said Lucas.   

Kumar said: "The signing of the MoU today will further strengthen our other areas of engagement as much as fundamental areas as the deepening of democracy."

He added that the ECI will also be looking to learn from Seychelles' experiences.

Kumar, who is on a visit to Seychelles from September 26 to 28, also met with Vice President Ahmed Afif on Tuesday.

The Electoral Commission of Seychelles is gearing up for the next presidential and legislative elections in 2025.

Tags: Electoral Commission of Seychelles


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