The Communist Party of China in the Eyes of the Chinese People

General |Author: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China | July 1, 2021, Thursday @ 13:10| 2027 views

The Chinese Ambassador to Seychelles, GUO Wei. (Chinese Embassy in Seychelles)

(Seychelles News Agency) - July 1st, 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist Party of China (CPC). How Chinese people view the CPC? Today, I would like to give you a brief introduction of CPC in the eyes of the Chinese people.


I “Without the CPC, there would be no New China” is a universal brief of the Chinese people.

In 1921, China was suffering from war and turmoil, and Chinese people were descended into misery. It was against such a background that the CPC was founded. The CPC united the people and led them in embarking on the right revolutionary path. Following a bloody, 28-year struggle, Chinese people under the leadership of CPC achieved the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, put an end to the semi-colonial, semi-feudal society of the old China, and established the People’s Republic of China. The victory also put an end to the long lasting state of total disunity that existed in Chinese society and realized the reunification of Chinese mainland. The CPC established socialism as China’s basic system, laying down the fundamental political preconditions and institutional foundations for all development and progress in contemporary China.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the CPC has made constant efforts to find a path of socialism suited to its own conditions. It established the socialist political, economic and social system, and embarked on a new journey towards reform and opening-up and the building of a modern socialist country. From then on, China has become one of the most open economies in the world. From a once impoverished country, China has become the world’s second largest economy, largest industrial country, largest trader in goods, biggest destination for FDI, and biggest holder of foreign exchange reserves. It has contributed an average of 30% annually to world economic growth for many years in a row as the powerhouse for global growth.


II The CPC is a party serving the people wholeheartedly and leading them to forge ahead towards prosperity.

Since its founding, the CPC has committed to a people-centered approach, representing the fundamental interests of all Chinese people, always regarding as its goal the people’s aspirations to live a better life. Over the past 70 years, the CPC has lifted almost 1.4 billion people out of poverty, bringing them subsistence and then a life of moderate prosperity. China has eliminated overall and extreme poverty for the first time in its history of thousands of years. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has established the world's largest systems of education, social security, health care and grass-root democratic election. Average life expectancy has risen from 35 in 1949 to 77.3 now. China has achieved a per capita GDP of more than US$10,000 with the biggest middle-income group in the world. Under the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese people enjoy more extensive and substantial rights and freedoms. Especially since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary and Chinese President Comrade Xi Jinping as the core have been well aware of the need to reposition their socialist theories in line with the changes of the times and the concurrent priorities and initiatives. They established Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, actively apply the new development philosophy, namely one of pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, for a New Era to promote balanced and sustainable political, economic, cultural, social and ecological development. The masses of people are now enjoying a further improved life, a more stable society and a more attractive environment.

The CPC stands together with the people in times good and bad, maintaining its close bond with them no matter what fate may bring. The CPC members are pioneers and role models in all walks of life. The vast majority of them live and work at the grass-roots level, among ordinary people, and are themselves ordinary people. Whenever the people encounter difficulties or disasters, the CPC always commands party members to serve at the forefront. In 2020, 39.144 million party members fought on the front lines against the COVID-19 pandemic. They did their utmost to prevent the people from being infected and save the patients. China is one of the best performing countries in pandemic response.

After 100 years of development, the CPC has grown from a party with only 50 plus members to the largest political party in the world with more than 91.91 million members. The reason is whether in times of adversity or smooth sailing, the Party has never forgotten its founding mission, nor wavered in its pursuit. It constantly improves and reforms itself and has earned the heartfelt support of Chinese people. During the 72 years as the governing party, the CPC has stood one test after another and emerged with renewed vigor and vitality. According to independent polls conducted by Harvard University and other institutions worldwide, the Chinese people’s overall support for the CPC and the Chinese government has been over 90% on average for many years, ranking top in the world. Especially when the Chinese people have achieved success in the fight against COVID-19 under the strong leadership of the CPC, their support and satisfaction towards the party and the Chinese government has hit a historical high.


III The CPC is a party advocating and promoting peace, cooperation and development for mankind.

As President Xi Jinping said, the CPC must honor its status as the biggest political party in the world with commensurate great deeds. The CPC does everything for the happiness of the Chinese people, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the peace and development of all mankind. China's development has not only delivered a better life for the Chinese people, but also contributed to the well-being of the world and the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind.

Under the leadership of the CPC, China is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and a path of peaceful development, unswervingly follows a win-win strategy of opening-up. As a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order, China stays committed to developing friendly relations with countries around the globe on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Facing the pandemic ravaging the world, China is actively involved in the international fight against COVID-19, and takes concrete actions to honor its solemn commitment of making its vaccines a global public good. China provides strong support to countries including Seychelles in their efforts to fight COVID-19, contributing its share to upholding global public health security, which illustrated vividly the ideal of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The CPC cares nothing about ideological or institutional differences but follows the four cardinal principles of independence, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs for more exchanges in governance experience with political parties of other countries. It also welcomes dialogue with different civilizations to enhance strategic trust. At present, the CPC has established various forms of contacts, exchanges and cooperative relations with more than 600 political parties and organizations in more than 160 countries and regions in the world, including Seychelles.

For a party fighting for the eternal well-being of its nation, the centenary only ushers in the prime of CPC’s life. At a new historical starting point, the CPC will continue to lead the Chinese People to work tirelessly to fully build a modern socialist country and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. The CPC will enhance exchanges with political parties of other countries including Seychelles with an open mind and abroad perspective, build a community with a shared future for mankind and a better world.


